When it comes to content marketing, many small business owners find it hard to come up with interesting blog post ideas that engage their audience.
If you’re a small business owner, here are 4 quick ways for you to come up with interesting blog post ideas that engage your audience.
#1. Search with Topsy
Topsy is a fantastic social search tool that can help you search across different social channels. Simply go to topsy.com and type the keyword related to your business, product or service. By default, this tool lists the tweets posted on twitter that are related to your keyword. However, you can also use its advanced search options to find the trending topics on Google plus, Facebook etc.
#2. Search with Feedly
Feedly is another excellent tool that can help you find the trending articles and news related to your industry. The benefit of Feedly search is that you can get the most popular posts about your niche very easily. Open feedly.com and type a keyword or hashtag related to your field, and you’ll see a lot of relevant pages. This will help you understand what your industry experts are talking about.
#3. Go through Communities and Forums
Communities and forums can help you observe/take part in the discussions about your industry. There are lots of communities out there like Google+ communities, Linkedin groups, Quora, Reddit etc. With these communities, you can learn more from the knowledge and experience of others.
If you want to find forums in your niche, you can use any of these search strings.
• “your keyword” + “powered by vbulletin”
• “your keyword” + “forum”
• “your keyword” + “board”
For example, if you want to find fitness forums, you can search anything like “fitness powered by vbulletin”, “fitness forum”, “fitness board” etc. on Google.
#4. Read Blog Comments
Practice any/all of these things to find out what your audiences are talking about or what they want to know.
• Read your blog comments.
• Read your competitor’s blog comments.
• Read your industry leaders’ blog comments.
Typically, you can find many questions asked by the readers from these comments. Pick those questions if you know their answers and that’s it, your next blog post is ready!